Eye Systems has been quietly going about the business of building and supporting comprehensive, cost effective, easy to use, stable Practice Management Systems, growing purely by referral. Our success has never been about how many systems we sold. It’s always been about the success of our users and their ability to implement and benefit from as much of the software as possible. “Total Cost of Ownership” and “Return on Investment” is measured by the number of features and tools in any software that can be effectively utilized. Year after year, our clients have consistently reached high levels of implementation while realizing the lowest “TCO”. This in turn yields the highest “ROI” for our clients. We’ve accomplished this by having the easiest, most user‐friendly software in the industry backed by great support. This generation of our software is no exception to these results! Read More
- Comprehensive Point of Sale
- Inventory Control
- Detailed Accounts Receivable
- Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
- Multiple Image Attach & Schedules
- Built in Email & Internet Hyperlinks
- Integrated Word Processing & More!

William R. Hallmark, O.D., FAAO
Owner, President, CEO
Premier Vision
Monument, Colorado
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